| | | | | Keep Moving,The Sky Is the Limit |
| | It is no secret that physical activity brings innumerable benefits, not only for health, but also for the development of the whole person. |
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| | | | | | It was a privilege to award GCSE and A level certificate at our celebration on Monday evening. A very proud occasion for parents, pupils and families. Bedians who returned from University and College were delighted to share their experiences and also give thanks for the opportunities that they had whilst studying at the College. Congratulations to everyone on their success!
" It is not the knowledge you have, it is how you use your knowledge that is important! "
Well done to Prep 4 on their fantastic production - The Gospel Show. | | | | |
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| | This week, as we get closer to the joy of Easter, take some time to sit and look at yourself in the mirror. Many of us struggle with self-acceptance, but when we know God accepts and loves us, it can become easier. Repeat to yourself the truth of who you are… “I am a child of God; I am loved”. |
| | | Lord Jesus, meet with us in the depths of our shame and heal us by your love. When all around us seem to be judging and condemning us, remind us that you walk with us and accept us as we are. Teach us to accept ourselves and accept your love. Amen |
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| Programme of events for Lent | |
| | You are invited on Wednesday 6 April for the Parent's Mass at 9am, followed by tea and coffee! - Mrs C Hibbert | |
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| | | The St Bede’s football season has now come to a close and what a season it has been. After the pandemic everyone was glad to have football back on a Saturday morning, the inclement weather, the early Saturday morning rush and the dodgy morning coffees (away venues of course) we have all missed it really. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff for taking the teams, the students for committing to the programme and the parents/guardians for their continued support. The programme has seen over 140 football matches take place this season, which is an outstanding effort by all involved. A special mention to 1XI captain Billy who has played his last game in St Bedes colours. Billy is a remarkable young man who has been the perfect role model for all the players to look up to. We wish Billy all the best in his future football career.
Enjoy the break and we go again as a football family next year when we grace the grass together. Thanks - Mr Brown |
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| | Seniors Won 3-0 Goals: Billy, Pat B and Tom J POM: Billy |
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| | | Manchester League Netball | |
| | The girls have been playing all season in the Manchester school first division league this was their last match against Didsbury school. The u12 lost 12-13 and the u13 w 17-6 overall results for each age group will follow in a week. Did you get my other report ref PE let me know what you think. We are spot on regarding this it is a Major debate regarding Pe versus sport in school and the forward thinking is definitely what we are doing now. |
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| | | | The netball team had a busy week last week with two tournaments, at the Manchester and the AJIS Schools tournaments On Tuesday in the Manchester Schools Tournament, two teams were entered as this was a High-5 Competition. The Blue team played three games in the group stages, winning two and drawing one. The Yellow team played four games in the group stages, winning three and losing one. This meant both teams played in the semi-final against each other! It was a great game with chances at both ends, the Blue team came out victorious with a 3-1 win. This meant the Blue Team have qualified for the Netball Finals in June. Both teams played extremely. Miss Sharp and Mrs Lavorini gave out two awards, one for each team. Etincelle achieved the Determination Award and Iria achieved the Respect Award.
On Friday a team attended the AJIS competition at the Grange School, they had four matches in the group stages against tough opposition, managing to come away with one win, one draw and two losses. This meant after lunch they played in the plate quarter-final against King's Chester, they were much improved in this game, with better passing and flow throughout the court, they narrowly missed out, losing the game 4 - 5. Well done to Zinzile who never stopped working in defence all day. - Mr J Joyce-O'Keeffe
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| | | For the first time, St Bede’s students were given the opportunity to choose golf as an option for Senior Games this term. A small group took up the option and have, initially, been working away at their skills on the range at the Trafford Golf Centre each week; a wise decision considering some of the nasty weather we’ve had this term. The range offers the Toptracer ball tracking system which provides instant shot replays and statistical feedback on interactive screens, and the opportunity to virtually tee up at some of the world’s greatest courses. We might not have walked the leafy fairways of some of our local courses yet, but we have smashed one down the first at St Andrews and the PGA National in Florida! It is hoped we will be out on a course in the not too distant future, where all that practice can be put to the test. Watch out Rory!! - Mrs C Smith |
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| | | | Following the successful introduction of rowing into the Senior Games programme last year, the activity has continued again this term with a new set of U5 pupils, boys and girls, taking to the water and two L6 students, Chloe and Sonya, continuing on from where they left off at the end of June. The first couple of sessions were spent honing technique on the ergo machines and training boats, and the students had to undergo a capsize drill ensuring all were aware of what to do if they found themselves out of the boat. |
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| Higher Education Evening | |
| | Our Higher Education Evening on Thursday 24th March provided Lower Sixth students and their parents with an introduction to the university application process. A guest speaker from Queen’s University Belfast presented on how to choose a university, student finance, personal statement writing and student life. Students and parents were also informed about the UCAS timeline in St Bede's, Oxbridge applications and interviews. The Lower Sixth will begin the UCAS application process on their Higher Education Day in June. | |
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| | On Tuesday morning, L6DIT gave an assembly to the Sixth Form about the atrocities in Ukraine. As they learned about children's rights in PSMEE a few weeks ago, they made the connection and wanted to portray how children's worlds are being turned upside down and changing forever. They highlighted the powerful imagery on the news of families being torn away from each other and referred to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
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| National Citizen Service | |
| | This week, Upper Fifth and Lower Sixth students were treated to a talk by the National Citizen Service. NCS provides life changing, summer experiences for 16–17-year-olds, designed to boost their confidence, develop key life skills and gain insights into the world of work and social enterprise. Their two-week programmes run throughout the summer holidays and help prepare young people for the world of work and further education; they also empower students to make a real difference in their local communities. | |
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| | | Martha-Rose, Tilly and Isabella have been selected to take part in Manchester City's Young Women's Leadership Programme. The aim of the YWLP is to encourage participants to have high aspirations, whilst giving them knowledge and experiences to help them succeed on their chosen path. They will be taking the first two modules on Monday and Tuesday of next week. - Mr D Rose | |
| | A Level and GCSE Certificate Presentation Evening |
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On Monday 28th March, it was a pleasure for us to host the A Level and GCSE Certificate Presentation Evening. This event saw the return of a number of last year's Upper Sixth, who are now in the midst of their undergraduate studies; they were joined by members of our current Lower Sixth and other members of last year's Upper Fifth. The evening involved speeches from Mrs Pike, Mr Rose, our Head Boy, Stephen, and our Head Girl, Anna, before the certificates were presented. Those present enjoyed meeting up with old friends and were treated to some magnificent musical performances and a sumptuous buffet. - Mr Dominic Rose | |
| | Biology: Putting Knowledge into Practice |
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| | 'Last week, our Upper Sixth Biologists left their desks behind and headed for Blencathra for three days to put their knowledge of Ecology into practice. The three day trip to the field centre is a fantastic opportunity to extend their skills and gain a deeper understanding of a key A level topic.
Embracing the unexpected sunshine, the team headed out to beautiful Lake District locations; including analysing plant succession on a (slightly precarious!) scree slope and a visit to a local river to record the aquatic life that is so essential to the local ecosystems. The course also covered Mark Release Recapture methods, required practicals and, the tricky but crucial, statistical analysis skills. It is no surprise that the journey home after this was a quiet one. Well done to the Upper Sixth students on a busy and productive few days of practical Biology!' - Ms R Kane |
| Lower Sixth Geology in the Lake District |
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| | The Lower Sixth Geology class spent 3 wonderful days in the lake district last week where they were blessed with beautiful sunshine and warm weather. On Friday they explored the shores of Derwent water linking the rocks to the destruction of a 420 million year old ocean, known as the Iapetus Ocean. On Saturday we travelled further south to Shap to investigate some slightly younger rocks, a mere 400 million years old, to investigate ancient turbidity currents (underwater landslides) which were later intruded by a huge Granite pluton. During the trip the Lower Sixth were able to complete a number of their required practical tasks whilst bathing in beautiful spring sunshine! Good weather is guaranteed for Geology fieldwork! - Mr M Parker | |
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| | | Well done to William, George (pictured), Grace and Rueben for their incredible efforts at the bake sale on Monday. The pupils felt moved to respond to their concerns for the people of Ukraine and wanted to take action to help. The pupils demonstrated leadership skills and teamwork by collaborating to make an array of appetising cakes and deserts for the pupils to buy, including cheesecake, brownies, cupcakes and more. The pupils raise £140 for the British Red Cross Appeal. True Bedian spirit. - Mrs C Hibbert | |
| Lewis Is the Lower Fourth Mastermind |
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| | This week the Lower Fourth competed in inter-House Mastermind. We had a very eclectic mix of specialist subjects with Caitlyn representing Bosco on the subject of Vincent Van Gogh. Jennah quizzed for Campion on the topic of the Vampire Diaries. Lewis represented Magdalene on the subject of the Battle of Stalingrad and Minahil quizzed for Siena on the musical group Neoni.
Once again, it was wonderful to see the Lower Fourth turn out in the Maher Library to cheer on their peers. It is always difficult to sit in the Mastermind chair and having their peers always helps the pupils. This week was, like last week with the Upper Third, a very close result. In the end a few points settled it; Lewis won the competition for Magdalene with a total of 26 and Jennah came second on 22 points. Caitlyn finished third for Bosco ahead of Minahil in fourth.
Lewis joins last week’s winner, Anna, in the grand final next term. Two wins so far for Magdalene, we cannot wait to see who will win in the next edition of inter-House Mastermind. - Mr Lee Rodriguez | |
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| | | Our first STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) club session today at lunch which is being run by the science and technology departments (pictures attached). We are doing a project which was funded by RSC Applied Materials Chemistry Group. We are working on a project called 'The Power of Recycling, story of a lithium ion car battery '. We will be researching car batteries through experiments then creating model electric cars. - Mrs S Manning |
| | | | We have a superb team of Pupil Library Assistants who provide Mrs Poolton with invaluable help running the Library at break and lunchtimes. Every member of the team is much appreciated but, this week, special mention must go to Rafal and Ethan. Both are Pupil Library Assistants who are also participating in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme and are volunteering for an hour each week. They were given the opportunity to devise an activity for our Prep Book Club and they have done that brilliantly. Rafal planned and produced materials for a treasure hunt around the Prep and College libraries. Prep Book Club members thoroughly enjoyed hunting for clues and eventually hunting down the treasure. Ethan produced jigsaws of much-loved book characters and teams of children raced against the clock to complete them correctly. They were great activities and both Ethan and Rafal should be proud of their creativity and hard work. Well done! - Mrs K Poolton
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| | Prep 1 treated their Mums and families to a wonderful celebration of Mothers’ Day. They learnt a song, a poem and each learnt lots of lines to explain the history of Mothers’ Day and to tell their Mums they love them. Each child had drawn a beautiful picture of their Mums and they also presented them with a handmade bunch of flowers. Many of the children have siblings in St Bede's so they joined their little brothers and sisters, reading prayers together as a family team. The assembly finished with a lovely PowerPoint of photos showing the children with their Mums and a final treat when they performed a special song written by Mrs Houseley. It was a wonderful celebration of all the Mums in our school community and we were very proud of all Prep 1 and their siblings. - Mr J Joyce-O'Keeffe | |
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| | Best Selling Author of 'Gangland to Promise Land' | |
| | On Friday 25 March the L5 and L6 pupils heard the testimony of International Best Selling Author of ‘Gangland to Promise land’, John Pridmore. John shared his story of an ex gangster turned Christian and how God has changed his life. Read more about John at https://www.johnpridmore.com/ Following on from the success of Friday the L5 pupils during their RE lesson took the time to discuss Confession led by Fr Joe Evans, College Priest and Mrs Hibbert, College Chaplain. - Mrs Hibbert | |
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| Headteacher Commendation Certificate | |
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| Sadie Prep 6 | Rishaan Prep 5 | Imogen Prep 6 | Evelyn Prep 3 | |
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| | Saturday Revision Session U5/U6 | |
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| | Mass for Parents & Grandparents | |
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| | Mock Exam Review Evening - U5 | |
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| | Day of Peace (£1 donation - own clothes day) | |
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| | | Saturday 9 April - Sunday 24 April | |
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| | MFL French and German GCSE orals | |
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| | | Monday 25 April - Tuesday 5 July | |
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| | Prep 5 Trip to Patterdale | |
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| | | Wednesday 27 April - Friday 29 April | |
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| | CFA Tour - Robbie Keane Cup - Dublin | |
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| | | Friday 29 April - Sunday 1 May | |
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| | Feast Day of St Catherine of Siena | |
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