| | | | | We Celebrate Women's Achievements |
| | | | | International Women's Day is the perfect occasion to convey to the new generations why it is necessary to respect the differences that complement us and lead us to live in harmony and to the full. | | | | |
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| | | | | | | Talking with pupils it is interesting to hear how they are progressing on their journey this Lent. I would like to encourage all of our pupils to read the guidance of Pope Francis - Do You Want to Fast This Lent? Our world would be a happier place if we could all try to do this! | | | | |
| | Fast from hurting words and say kind words. Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude. Fast from anger and be filled with patience. Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope. Fast from worries and have trust in God. Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity. Fast from pressures and be prayerful. Fast from bitterness and fill your hearts with joy. Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others. Fast from grudges and be reconciled. Fast from words and be silent so you can listen. Pope Francis | |
| | | | | Thank you for your generosity regarding the Ukraine Crisis Appeal. Our Bedian community never fails to amaze me! It was wonderful to again welcome our students and parents into the College, during last night's Options evening. My advice for our students would be to consider your decisions carefully when making your subject choices, but remember the most important thing is to select subjects you enjoy! | | | | |
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| | Lent is a time of prayer. Jesus is present to us and wants to speak to us. Spend some time being quiet and ask God to speak to you. You might not hear audible words, but God speaks in your heart, in an image in your mind, a feeling or a dream. Have a look at the Lenten Programme and select something to get involved with. Listen to God. |
| | | Lord God, we thank you that you are God over everything; let your beautiful light shine into the darkness. As we journey with you through lent, transform our lives so that they are filled with your light. Prepare our hearts to receive the voice of your spirit. Amen. |
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| | Sustainable Fashion to Save the Planet | |
| | On Wednesday, we were pleased to welcome Ms Clare Richardson, a PHD student and researcher from the University of Manchester, to St Bede's. Ms Richardson gave an insight into the alarming lack of sustainability-planning within the fashion industry and exposed the subjugation experienced by workers in Third World countries, who make garments for some leading brands. The presentation included scientific and ethical evaluation, making it incredibly relevant to students of Business Studies, Chemistry, Biology and Philosophy and Religion. - Dr A. McMonagle |
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| | | Patrick B in the Lower Sixth has been training with Cheshire County FA since November last year and made his debut last weekend as he was selected for his first game, on Saturday. Congratulations to Patrick! - Mr D Rose |
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| | What Life Is Like for Individuals Living on the Spectrum | |
| | Upper Fifth and Sixth Form students broadened their understanding of what life is like for Individuals living "on the spectrum" in the highly acclaimed National Theatre production of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time at Manchester's Opera House this week. Playwright Simon Stephens's adaptation of Mark Haddon's compelling novel tells the story of Christopher, a young man with Asperger's Syndrome, whose love of Maths and all things logical sets him on a journey to solve deep dark mysteries, not only of a petty criminal nature but also within the bosom of his own family.This highly engaging play uses state-of-the-art computer technology and physical theatre to great effect, giving our young theatre critics plenty to discuss back in class. Many thanks to the teachers who joined the Drama Department for the evening, just out of their own interest: Mr Davies, Mrs Reid and Mr Wright (who reckoned he could solve the Maths problems much faster than the characters in the play!) - Mrs N J Alderson |
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| | Vive la Francophonie! | |
| | | | | The Francophonie gathers 300 million French-speaking people around the world and every year in March, they celebrate the French language they share and the cultural diversity they represent. | | | | |
| | This year 2022, Institut français du Royaume-Uni, with the support of Francophonie UK, is renewing its French song video contest for all primary and secondary students in the UK school system and challenges our pupils with a French Pop Video Competition!
Our L4 students studying French are asked to submit a short video or animated clip of their classes' own French rap or song. They could get the chance to be streamed on the dedicated UK YouTube channel and to compete for the national Francophonie UK School Music Awards as part of the Fête de la Musique in June 2022! Win books, tablets and attend a live Fête de la Musique concert!
Also, to celebrate the International Francophonie Day on Sunday 20th March 2022, the Francophonie Groupe UK launches this year again the quiz Vive la Francophonie ! This quiz allows every year thousands of people in the UK to test their knowledge on the Francophone world in a fun way. In 2022, a special focus will be given to France and our U3 and L4 students will take part on the week beginning 21st March! Bonne chance! #FrancophonieUK Mr J Gerardo |
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| | | As part of our lenten journey, some pupils from the prep and college have participated in an activity to help them commit to their lenten promise. The pupils wrote down what they have given up or what they are doing extra. Then they nailed them to the cross to represent giving it over to God as an offering. One pupil commented that using the hammer to attach their promise was powerful and they felt connected to Jesus' cross. |
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| | | A huge thank you to all the parents for the incredible response to the Ukraine appeal. We have been overwhelmed by the kind generosity of the college community. The support for the collection for the refugees has been incredible and we are all extremely proud of what we have accomplished together. On Friday 4 March four vehicles were filled to the brim with donations going to the Polish centre in Eccles and Ukraine centre in Stockport. We have also exceeded our target raising for the British Red Cross.
The centres are now closed to donation, however, monetary donations are still gratefully received and have reached in excess of £2,000. Please click on the button below to donate through our JustGiving page. - Mrs C Hibbert
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| | Upper Fourth Countdown | |
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| This Wednesday lunchtime, the first of the Upper Fourth Countdown competitions took place with Noah and Grace of Campion House taking on Ted and Harry of Siena House. A tight contest, with some very difficult letters rounds, kept the scoring relatively low. However, Campion were able to rally and secure victory by 25 points to 11. Both teams competed extremely well and special mention goes to Grace for a particularly stand out performance. Thank you to all staff involved in helping to run the event and I look forward to next week when Magdalene take on Bosco House. - Mr T Wilson |
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| | Earn New Books for the Library! | |
| | | | | Our new online Scholastic Book Club is up and running, giving pupils chance to buy some fantastic new books. Click on the button below to browse the latest books and order online for your son or daughter. | | | | |
| | | For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, St Bede’s will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards to spend on new Library books. Please place your order online by 1 April 2022. To spend World Book Day vouchers (1 per book) and get an extra £1 off books simply click to add your voucher at the “Promotional Codes & Vouchers” prompt in the checkout process. Upper Third and Lower Fourth pupils will receive a printed magazine showing the books available to buy and there will be spare copies available for pupils in other years in the Library.
As long as books are in stock, books will be delivered free of charge to College in time for Mrs Poolton to distribute by the start of the Easter holidays or you can pay to have them delivered direct to your home. Please contact Mrs Poolton at kpoolton@sbcm.co.uk if you have any queries.
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| | The Girls’ Hockey Team took part in the Under 11 County Hockey Tournament involving two groups, with three teams in each group. First up St. Bede's played Stockport Grammar School winning convincingly 2-0, with Larissa scoring both goals. Next up was the host Withington Girls’; it was an even game with few chances and ending in a 0-0 draw. This result however saw St Bede's progress to the semi-finals as group winners on goal difference. In the semi-final they face Forest Prep School. It was a tough, hard fought game ending with a goal apiece, Larissa on the scoreboard again. The match went straight to penalties (a penalty shuffle/rush); the same way that the GB women's hockey team won the Olympic gold medal in Rio 2016. Unfortunately, the girls could not replicate the win and Forest went through to the final. In the 3 rd -4 th place play-off they faced Withington again and the hosts won 3-1. Mrs Lavorini was very pleased with how teamwork and individual skills progressed through each of the matches. - Mr J Joyce-O'Keeffe |
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| | Stress is a feeling of being under abnormal pressure, for young people this could be due to academic worries, disagreements with friends or arguments at home. Stress can affect young people in a number of ways, both physically and emotionally, and in varying intensities. All pupils experience stress at some point in their College career. However, when it is affecting their life, health and wellbeing, it is important to tackle it as soon as possible. If you are worried your child is being affected by stress, below are some suggestions that can be discussed with your child. - Mr T Sanders | |
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| | Whole School Photo With Prep | |
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| | L6 Geography Residential fieldwork for A Level NEA | |
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| | | Wednesday 16 March - Friday 18 March | |
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| | Prep Parents' Evening (Academic Hall) | |
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| | U4 DTP/Meningitis vaccine | |
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| | A Level & GCSE Certificate Presentation Evening | |
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